Tieners in Florida breken in huis van 8 miljoen, geven enorm feest en houden bokswedstrijd
Bij een aantal tieners uit Florida was de verveling blijkbaar dermate heftig dat ze besloten om in te breken in een gigantische keet met een waarde van 8 miljoen. Niet om het gehele ding leeg te jatten, maar om er een feestje in te geven, het huis te trashen en ook meteen een bokswedstrijd te houden. Je bent er dan toch, kun je meteen elkaar het licht uit de ogen slaan toch?
Er gingen echter video's van het feestje rond op Snapchat, en ook de lokale politie vond de beelden. Die waren not amused en startten direct een onderzoek. Ook plaatsten ze statement en direct een waarschuwing:
An open house party is against the law. An open house party in a home you break into is a burglary.
Early Saturday morning, Walton County Sheriff’s Office was called out to Blackwater Street in Watercolor by Security for a noise complaint. When deputies arrived, as you can imagine, most of the people at the party had left the scene. Since then, videos are circulating on Snapchat, Instagram, and other social media platforms with some of the highlights. Including where some of the people attending turn the foyer of the $8 million home into a boxing ring.
Here’s another sliver of information; Snapchat isn’t private. You may think it is if you are a teenager or someone in their early 20s and you are not yet worldly. Your friends will snitch. Word gets out. You’ll be tagged in pics on the Gram. Also, we can subpoena Snapchat.
Apart from the damage caused and the items stolen, it’s a complete violation of someone’s home that you can’t put a price on. The feeling when you know someone went into your closet, tried on your clothes, and used your bathroom doesn’t have a dollar amount attached to it. Especially in a place where you’re supposed to feel safe.
Before anyone says, this is just “kids being kids”, we want you to ask yourself how you would feel if your home was ransacked and your sense of peace and security was taken from you. Before you say, “they might not have known”, ask yourself if what was taking place was appropriate (or legal) regardless if they had permission to be there (which they did not). Before making an excuse for these kids, ask why they felt they could do this in the first place.
Here’s our ask; if you were there, know someone who was there, were invited, knows who circulated the flyer for the party (yes, we know about that too) you are asked to come forward. DO YOURSELF A FAVOR and let us know. Come clean and give us the information we need to hold those responsible.
Oepsie... Van wie de woning was blijft tot zover onbekend.