Britney is weer blij en gooit een nieuwe serie pikante foto's online Random

Britney is weer blij en gooit een nieuwe serie pikante foto's online

Wellicht heb je onlangs ook meegekregen dat papa Spears eieren voor z'n geld kiest en heeft besloten afstand te doen van het toezichthouderschap over zijn dochter. Werd verdomme een keer tijd hè? Britney natuurlijk helemaal in d'r nopjes en dat viert ze met een nieuwe lading topless foto's op Instagram waarmee ze zich 'in haar puurste vorm laat zien'. Vinden we prima hoor, doe lekker waar je zelf zin in hebt.

Eindelijk goed nieuws; eerst een freaking iPad en nu financiële vrijheid, het kan niet op!

Kijk dan hoe blij

Free ze, Britney

Natuurlijk ook een beetje tekst en uitleg bij deze ontboezeming

No guys ... I didn’t get a boob job in just a week ... nor am I pregnant ... I have boobs in these pics cause I devoured food !!!! Before I show you more pics of my body … I want you to understand my thoughts on exposing my skin !!!! In my opinion it’s quite twisted the immediate response of when any woman is hot and they want to shed a layer … no … I’m not talking in a strip club or a performance … just on a practical scale of being in your car and realizing you’re wearing a stupid long sleeve shirt in the summer !!!! The immediate reaction to any woman who does this after shedding a layer is DAMN I FEEL BETTER … therefore you think you look better !!! I’ve had a billion shows where I’ve done that and to my horror uhhh we’ll … sometimes I didn’t look so great … TOO MANY TIMES and it’s embarrassing as fuck but in my imagination it felt great !!!! I mean I don’t want anybody to see the big dimple on my ass but I feel like performing made me too self conscious about my body and that’s not attractive ….. anyways I bet you’re wondering why I’d expose my body NOW … well it’s because I was born into this world naked and I honestly feel like the weight of the world has been on my shoulders and it’s made me view myself that way !!!! I wanted to see myself in a lighter way … naked … like the way I was born and to me looking back at my pictures when I shoot it’s insane the psychology in seeing myself in my purest form gives evidence that pain … hurt … tears … and heavy burdens aren’t who I am. I am a woman …. a beautiful … sensitive woman who needs to look at myself in my purest form !!! No … I’m not going to do topless pics for the rest of my life cause that would get boring but it sure as hell helps when you need to be enlightened!!!! And I will admit the FREE BRITNEY comments after I took my shirt off were actually really fucking funny !!! The Free Britney campaign started with all your amazing pink Free Britney shirts 3 years ago !!! There’s a way deeper meaning to the movement than you can ever imagine … my fans have always been so damn amazing and I love you all  !!!! Psss this was shot on holy Sunday yesterday !!!!

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